Sunday, August 28, 2005

District Young Women Activity 27 August 2005

I didn't bring my camera with me. So I'll attempt to "paint a picture with a thousand words, or less".

Yesterday the Kuala Lumpur District Y.W. went to Rumah Hope in P.J. for a service project. It was a unique sharing experience.

Rumah Hope "is a SANCTUARY that provides love, peace, warmth, comfort and security for children abused or abandoned."
We had contacted the Home over a month ago to arrange for a service project that the Young Women could participate in. Our idea of service was probably to clean windows or something, but instead the person in charge wanted us to do a talk/seminar program to teach moral standard to the teenagers in their home. We were taken by surprise but nevertheless decided that we would get the YW to share what we believe as “Our Body Is the Temple of God” with them.

All necessary preparations were made in the weeks that followed and we were there at the Home with over twenty YW and leaders.

The children were watching cartoon in the main hall and I managed to talk to 3 little girls, Wendy (12), Angelica (8), May Poh (6?). After talking to them, I felt like taking them home. Sigh. I knew they were happy little girls in their own unique situations, yet nothing can really substitute the sanctity of a loving home. I do appreciate the great work that these kind hearted Christians are doing for these less fortunate children. What they provide them is nevertheless, the best alternative.

Sister Sarojini, who has two teenager children herself, was very popular among a small group of boys. However, majority of the children were shy and reserved. I observed that many of our YW were apprehensive as well. This was after all a first time experience for them. We need to help them reach out to others more, I think.

There was some initial confusion as the targeted group of older teenagers was not there as they had been invited to go to a seminar on how to do well in their studies. We had to adapt the program a little so that it would be more appropriate for the 12 and 13 year-olds. It wasn’t too difficult I think. We managed to help set up the place and the person in charge of the Home arranged for children younger than 12 years to play in another room.

The program was carried out very smoothly. The following is the program:



Conducting: Vanessa
Opening Song: I Lived in Heaven
Invocation: Melody

Young Women to recite their Young Women Theme

1st speaker: Tammy
"My Body Is A Temple of God" (1 Cor 3:16-17)

Song: The Lord Gave Me a Temple

2nd speaker: Tasha
"I Will Not Partake of Things that are Harmful to Me"

3rd speaker: Anita
"I will only listen to Music, Read and Watch Things
that are pleasing to Heavenly Father"

4th speaker: Vivian
"I will use the Names of Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ reverently"

5th speaker: Denisha
"I will Dress Modesly to Show Respect for Heavenly
Father and Myself"

Song: In Our Lovely Deseret

6th speaker: Sister Chong
"Satan's Snare"

7th speakers: Elder and Sister Wallworks
"Sexual Purity"

Questions and Answers

Concluding speaker: President Cragun
"How I prepared myself from young to stay clean and pure for my future eternal companion."

Closing Song: I Am A Child of God
Benediction: Leah
I knew the spirit had been there. The YW did their best in sharing their carefully prepared talks and Sister Wallworks and President Cragun (who came forward and volunteered his assistance) were wonderful speakers. As I stood to share what I had prepared, I could see some of the young people from the Home nodded in agreement.

To me, the personal highlight of my experience had been the one not assigned ahead of time. I was invited by Sister Poh Lin to lead all the songs. When I stood to lead the opening song, “I Lived in Heaven”, I had to fight the overwhelming urge to cry. The words of the song took on new meaning in the context of a welfare home for the less fortunate children, who had never heard the Restored Gospel. The voices of the YW who knew the songs since their Primary days filled the room with a spirit of love and reverence. What a wonderful way to share the Gospel!

I Lived in Heaven

1. I lived in heaven a long time ago, it is true;
Lived there and loved there with people I know. So did you.
Then Heav’nly Father presented a beautiful plan,
All about earth and eternal salvation for man.

2. Father said he needed someone who had enough love
To give his life so we all could return there above.
There was another who sought for the honor divine.
Jesus said, “Father, send me, and the glory be thine.”

3. Jesus was chosen, and as the Messiah he came,
Conquering evil and death through his glorious name,
Giving us hope of a wonderful life yet to be—
Home in that heaven where Father is waiting for me.

Words and music: Janeen Jacobs Brady, b. 1934© 1987 by Janeen Jacobs Brady.